Should you consider reading Atomic Habits ?

 Atomic Habits is a book written by James Clear published on 2018 , the book is a self help book which aims to provide practical strategy to build good habits and destroy bad habits over time. The author emphasizes that the key to building lasting habits is to focus on small , incremental improvements that compound over time . 

The author provides a four step model for habit formation : cue , craving , response and reward and provides practical tips for each stage, and he talks about the importance of identity in shaping habits and encourages readers to shift their mindset from goal-oriented thinking to system oriented thinking.

In the book itself each chapter starts with a real life example which is interesting to read, and it is in simple English which everyone understands. After each chapter there is a table having the important key factors to building a habit and destroying a bad habit. You can print the templates at

(book cover)

The book talks about the four laws of behavior change they are make it obvious , make it attractive , make it satisfying and make it easy. And at the end of the book he gives advance tactics which makes habit building process much easier and practicable.

If you are searching for a good book for habit building and is trying to avoid bad habits from entering your life , then this will be the book you need to read !


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